"I Love You, Beth Cooper" Movie Clips


The Beautiful Hyden Panettiere as Beth Cooper in "I Love You, Beth Cooper"

"I Love You, Beth Cooper" movie clips
will make you guffaw in laughter! OMG, I have to see this movie in full cause I think I have also fallen in love with Beth Cooper. Yes, guys. Watch this "I Love You, Beth Cooper" and you will fully agree with me and fall in line to say "I Love You, Beth Cooper"

Imagine this - a nerdy valedictorian proclaims his love for the most popular girl in school, who is none other than Beth Cooper, during his valedictory address. Of course, any other girl though how popular she may be at school would surely melt like a candle, right? Wrong, with Beth Cooper.

That very same night, the nerdy valedictorian was shocked to find Beth Cooper at his door. It never occurred to him that he will experience the best time of his life that very graduation night,
courtesy of Beth Cooper.

"I Love You Beth Cooper" is a comedy film directed by Chris Columbus and is based on a book with the same title authored by Larry Doyle. July 10, 2009 will be the scheduled date for this film to be shown in theaters nationwide. Say "I Love You, Beth Cooper" and expect Beth Cooper at your door tonight. Here is the latest "I Love You, Beth Cooper" movie clips. Watch it and enjoy!