Bikram Yoga: Yoga for Weightloss

Bikram Yoga is now said to be a yoga for weight loss and for those who would want to maintain a healthy and fit physical condition. If you are wondering what is Bikram Yoga is all about, it is simply doing several yoga position and calisthenics that is describe in the Bikram Yoga Postures.

Bikram Yoga is said to burn a lot of calories. This is the main reason why a lot of people are now into the practice of Bikram Yoga. Actually, there are two factors that would surely make you lose weight when you do the Bikram Yoga.

Bikram Yoga positions and exercises combined with the sweltering heat of the room where you are required to do the Bikram Yoga postures in a lengthy minutes of exercises would simply take off the extra fat poundage out of your body. You can just imagine the sweat pouring out of your skin onto the floor in practicing the Bikram Yoga.

Bikram Yoga is akin to doing yoga exercises in a sauna parlor which is why they call Bikram Yoga as a "hot" yoga, referring to the hot temperature needed to perform the Bikram Yoga postures. Here is a You Tube video of the inside of a room undergoing Bikram Yoga classes.

Look at how they sweat performing Bikram Yoga