Watch The Big Bang Theory S05E16 online that will air February 9, 2012. You can watch The Big Bang Theory S05E16 online if ever you fail to watch this episode on TV over the CBS network on subject date.

Episode Synopsis: Sheldon takes it easy by working with Amy at her neurobiology lab after the university orders him to take a vacation. Meanwhile, Howard gets worked up when Bernadette suggests they sign a prenuptial agreement

Surely, even on vacation mode, the fact remains that you and I will have a good laugh if we watch The Big Bang Theory S05E16 online, that is, if ever you fail to watch it on TV on the above date due to whatever reason. For those who have just learned laughing on discovering this very funny comedy TV series The Big Bang Theory, the regular cast are as follows;

Well guys and gals, remember it's a date on the 9th of February 2012, a Thursday, for all of you TV watching friends of ours while for net freaks, hop in on board to watch The Big Bang Theory S05E16 online titled The Vacation Solution. Enjoy!