Watch Pretty Little Liars S03E10 online and scream. If you watch Pretty Little Liars S03E10 online captioned 'What Lies Beneath,' I am sure you will wiggle on your seat watching this episode. The mystery and the thrill of what will unfold next in this mystery thriller episode is simply too much for me to bear that sometimes I need to drink a bottle of cold beer just to steel up my nerves.

Anyway, here is a very short synopsis of Pretty Little Liars S03E10 scheduled to be aired on August 14, 2012. The girls try to piece together information regarding Maya's whereabouts before her murder; Aria deals with the aftermath of meeting Ezra's mother. Very short indeed, but enough to tell us that we will be watching a very nerve wracking episode next Tuesday.

Grrr..I think I have to prepare 2 bottles of beer for this one to steel up my nerves. Well guys and gals watch this show when it goes on the air next week, but just in case the schedule of airing is in conflict with a commitment, you can always hop in and watch Pretty Little Liars S03E10 online. Cheers!