My Virtual Pilot 3D Simulation review is one of surprise. Surprised that My Virtual 3D Simulation review would be eagerly waited for by my buddies in our Free Flight Club, a gathering of airplane modelers where our models are all made of very light materials to enable them to fly indoors or even outdoors utilizing rubber as power source.

Well alright, what I can say about this Virtual Pilot 3D Simulation is simply that it is better than the previous game for the reason that it is new, and surely, things that were not found in the previous game had been incorporated here. Attention to detail is more or less given real focus to create a seemingly real life scenarios in countries you will be flying to. Airports, hotels and buildings are all in the right places to include the natural landscape such as rivers, lakes, valleys and mountains.

The scenarios you encounter during take off and landing in a particular country or city had been copied and cleverly assigned to where it is supposed to be seen. As such, if you are a frequent air traveler to a city, the images you see on takeoff and landing will remind you of the happy or sad memories that you have of the place.

To provide realism while flying, Google mapping was fully utilized so as to have a correct and real life visual images of the earth surface while airborne and also the heavenly bodies that a pilot would always encounter like the stars and the moon, even to include the always visible planet Venus.

Now let me enumerate other positive items you will find in Virtual Pilot 3D Simulation -

-Better Aircraft Cockpit Controls. Cockpit Controls are 100% accurate with real aircraft engine sound response. Cockpit tutorials are on-board with actual aircraft behavior during interaction of bad weather.

-More than 200 different kinds of aircraft to choose and fly including the Boeing 737.

-A high number of airports where added to the Virtual Pilot 3D Simulation database to make your flying experience an exciting one.

-Full hardware support and with just one license needed for playing Virtual Pilot 3D Simulation with several computers. The game is designed for playing with additional hardware like foot pedal, yoke, joysticks and even track IR. If you plan to play on multiple computers, all that you have to do is secure a one time multi license to be able to play the game. Virtual Pilot 3D Simulation has an inbuilt multi player function for a happy interactive competition with multiple players.

Well guys and gals that's it, my review of this new product from Clickbank which I rated a 9 on a scale of 1 to 10. For more Info, PLEASE CLICK HERE to visit the website of Virtual Pilot 3D which is the subject of My Virtual Pilot 3D Simulation Review.

Here are two videos of Virtual Pilot 3D