Watch Avatar and be enthralled at this ultra modern movie filmed via the latest cutting edge kind of movie-making, This film is about the colonization of other planets by humans. Specifically, this is the story of a paraplegic soldier tasked with colonizing the planet Pandora but who later on became the defender of the inhabitants from the colonizing humans. Well actually, to learn about the Na'vi and Pandora's biosphere, scientists use Na'vi-human hybrid bodies aptly termd as avatars that mentally link to genetically matched humans. It so happens that Jake Sully acted out by Sam Worthington who happens to be a paraplegic former marine, acted the part of an avatar operator that strays in the jungles and attacked by a jungle predator which led to knowing Neytiri played out by the newly popular Zoe Saldana and for which the story of Avatar bloomed. Watch below the movie clips from Avatar. Enjoy!