Watch Orphan movie clips and face the horror of adoption. Orphan Movie clips is a promotion for the coming Orphan movie which is a horror thriller. Orphan movie is the story of a couple who adopted a young Russian girl named Esther with a dark secret.
Starting from the day Esther lived with the couple, everything started to turn out bad in the family to include their legitimate children and even at the school where Esther studied. They started to suspect something wrong with their adopted girl when the head of the orphanage where Esther previously lived, warns them that Esther tends to be around when something bad happens at the orphanage.
I am sure you will be thrilled to watch the Orphan movie clips below if you know the dark secret of Esther. You want to know Esther dark secret? Well, The couple learned later on, when Esther was already on a deadly rampage that she isn't a 9-year-old girl at all, but a 33-year-old woman named Leena Klammer who has a medical disorder that stunted her physical growth and has spent most of her life posing as a little girl.
But the ominous thing about It was that Esther is dangerously psychotic and was suspected to have killed many people. Oh my goodness, and the information came in just in time when Esther was about to kill everyone else. Watch Orphan movie clips below and be thrilled to the max, OMG!