Watch True Blood S05E11 online and be mesmerized. Watch True Blood S05E11 online and let the turn of events carry you to greater bloody and horrific excitement now that season 5 of True Blood is nearing its last and final episode. Here is the synopsis of episode 11 captioned 'Sunset'of True Blood which is scheduled for airing on August 19, 2012, Sunday;

'Sookie probes an ancient family secret with help from a faerie elder; Jessica is an unwilling participant in Bill's ongoing religious conversion; Alcide reconnects with his father; the military uses a video of Russell and Steve Newlin as ammunition; Sam and Luna hitch a ride into the Authority.'

Wow! Surely as the end nears, so is the excitement and the gory bloodletting. And so friends, don't ever forget to watch True Blood S05E11 online which will come your way next Sunday. Cheers!