'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' Spotlight of Characters

'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' Spotlight of Characters will present to you the six characters who, together with Wolverine, have enormously succeeded in making the movie 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' a great movie that everyone would be excited to watch. First online in our Spotlight will be the double sword mutant known as Deadpool. He wanted to travel and to kill. The reason why he became a mercenary. Next will be the mutant hater general Stryker who consider mutants as the enemies of the world. Following him is Gambit, the mutant wizard of cards. Then we have the female mutant of ice, Emma Frost. The last two characters to be spotlighted are Blob, the mutant giant, and Wraith, the vanishing western clad black man. Watch below these high definition videos of 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' Spotlight of Characters

"Angels and Demons" Movie Clips

"Angels and Demons" Movie Clips that is shown here is so stunningly clear that would make you want to see the movie "Angels and Demons" itself. Notwithstanding the high definition clarity of this movie clips is the crystal clear voice over of the announcer that can already give you a ballpark idea as to the content summary of the "Angels and Demons" movie story plot, based from the novel of the same title written by David Brown.

This "Angels and demons" Movie Clips will narrate to us that the Vatican is under attack from an old enemy which is the Illuminati. It is said that the Illuminati is a super secret society dedicated to scientific truth. The Catholic Church ordered their brutal massacre to silence them forever. They have now come for their revenge.

Robert Langdon, played to the hilt by Tom Hanks, will find himself in the center of all this, with his unmasking of the Illuminati and their evil genius design for revenge. The Vatican will turn to Langdon to avert this catathropic consequence of the Illuminati's desire for revenge. This "Angels and Demons" Movie Clips is a sure fire help in boosting ticket sales for the movie. Below is the "Angels and Demons" Movie Clips.

You Tube HD "Angels and Demons" Movie Clips